I've begun my journey into Thesis with the answer to one question, and vague ideas about others. What I know (or think I know) is the WHO. Children. The Where is vague: Pittburgh, outdoors; the What is even more vague: learning, ecology, fun, water management, sustainable education.
The thoughts depicted in the Sketch images above reveal the who (kids and families) and the image of a number of events of various scales happening in relationship to each other and in relationship to a path linking them. The events are of yet undefined (part of the nebulous What).
I think it's fine and actually advantageous to be vague about the "what" as of right now. It gives you the opportunity to explore various ways in which children interact with their environment. One thing that I think you should consider is the fact that children see and experience the world much differently than adults, (ex. they view things at a different scale and they are constantly learning through experience..so considering our 5 senses is extremely important when designing for a child). So to help find a more definite path for your project, it would be beneficial to learn more about childhood cognition which you will find is different than that of adulthood.
ReplyDeleteGo back to the children's museum and look at it as a child might. What works? What exists that is lacking in "adult" architecture? Anything missing? Any lessons that could be learned to architecture in general?