Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1: The statement

-Using pedestrian movement and activity to mediate between disconnected Urban Elements.

3: Expanding

-Self-Centric Urban Objects sit in a sea of parking and pull their focus inward. This investigation will look at ways in which the exteriors of inward-focused objects can be activated by creating a human-scale, environment around them. Breaking down monolithic facades with exterior programming and connecting the objects in a meaningful way is my goal.

9. Hashing it out

- The North Shore of Pittsburgh is Dominated by PNC Park, Heinz Stadium, The Carnegie Science Center, The Allegheny Center, The National Aviary, The Children's Museum of Pittsburgh and one of the Carnegie Libraries. This amazing conglomeration of institutional buildings operates in a sea of parking lots, Interstates. Each building is an island on the North shore, and walking between them is a challenge. The Stadiums only come to life on Game day and otherwise sit stagnant. These are also monolithic, unpenetrable buildings. The Stadiums are uncomfortable without the necessary mob. I hope that introducing pedestrian movement and activity into the area will aid in creating a more usable, less intimidating area, and it will increase interactivity between select buildings.

To do this I want to look at path making, and way-finding devices. I also plan on integrating program.

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